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Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

1:31 AM

PHP in Hindi and english both

PHP in Hindi

Introduction to PHP

PHP एक open source server side scripting लैंग्वेज है। PHP dynamic webpages develop करने के लिए use की जाती है। PHP का पूरा नाम PHP Hypertext Preprocessor है। पहले इसे Personal Home Pages के नाम से जाना जाता था।

PHP in Hindi: PHP एक सर्वर साइड स्क्रिप्टिंग भाषा है। यही है, यह एक स्क्रिप्टिंग भाषा है जो सर्वर साइड में किसी वेब एप्लिकेशन या वेब पेज को नियंत्रित करने के लिए उपयोगी है। वर्तमान में, 70% से अधिक वेब साइट्स और वेब एप्लिकेशन अपाचे वेब सर्वर पर चलते हैं और अपाचे वेब सर्वर पर सबसे अधिक उपयोग की जाने वाली स्क्रिप्टिंग भाषा PHP है, जो किसी अन्य वेब स्क्रिप्टिंग भाषा की तुलना में बहुत सरल है।

PHP in Hindi: PHP is a Server Side Scripting Language. That is, it is a Scripting language that is useful for controlling a Web Application or Web Page in Server Side. At present, more than 70% of Web sites and Web applications run on the Apache Web Server and the most widely used scripting language on the Apache Web server is PHP, which is much simpler than any other Web Scripting Language is.

About PHP
PHP Language को HTML or HTML5 इस scripting Language में embed किया गया है |
PHP का full-form भूतकाल में Personal Home Page बोला जाता था लेकिन वर्त्तमान में इसे HyperText Proprocessor बोला जाता है |
PHP Language का अविष्कार Rasmus Lerdorf ने 1994 में किया |
PHP ये server-side होने से ये Web server या client machine पर चलाई जाती है |
PHP को चलाना है तो कुछ client machine server की जरुरत पड़ती है जैसे, Xampp, Wamp, Lamp और भी कई servers है |

Friday, August 3, 2018

12:14 AM

HTML First Simple Program

HTML First Simple Program

HTML First Simple Program


<head><title> first web page</title>



<center><p> technical suryansh </p></center<br>

<p> line brack is use before it</p><br>

<h1> technical suryansh heading 1</h1>



Short Description:-

<html>: It is the first tag of any web page /website.

</html>:-It is the last tag of any web page /website.

<title>  :- this tag is use to insert tag in our web pages this title is show top of browser

<p>    :- It is use to write paragraph in our we page

<br>  :-It is use to brack the line ,it not have any end tag so this tag is know empty tag

<h1>....<h7>:- this tag is used for headings h1 tage is used for large headings and h7 is used for small headings

save it


Saturday, July 14, 2018

9:12 AM

html Headings

Headings, <Hx> </Hx>

Inside the body element, elements of H1 to H6 elements are usually used for the major divisions of the document. Titles are allowed to appear in any order, but if you follow these guidelines, then you will get the best results when your documents appear in the browser:

  1. H1: Should be used as the title of the highest level, H2 as the next highest, and much further.
  2. You should not miss title levels: For example, H3 should not appear after H3, unless there is no H2 between them.

Headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6>tags.

<h1>defines the largest heading while <h6>defines the smallest.

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<h2>This is a heading</h2>

<h3>This is a heading</h3>

<h4>This is a heading<./h4>

<h5>This is a heading</h5>
<h6<This is a heading</h6>
HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a heading. A useful heading attribute is align. 


  1. HTML First Simple Program
  2. Hello : How to Create Your First Java Program
  3. how to run java program in CMD
  4. How to set Environment Variables in Java: Path and Classpath

8:56 AM

HTM Elements

HTM Elements/Tags

Logical vs. Physical Tags

There are two tag logical tags and physical tags in HTML. Logical tags are designed to mean the attached text to the browser. An example tag of the logical tag is By inserting text between these tags, you are telling the browser that the text has some value. By default all browsers look bold between text and text.

On the other hand, physical tags provide specific text to which text they attach. Examples of physical tags include:

  1. <b>: Makes the text bold.  
  2. <big>: Makes the text usually one size bigger than what's around it. 
  3. <li>: Makes text italic. 

Start tagElement contentEnd tag
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>


The <body> element defines the document body.
It has a start tag <body> and an end tag </body>.
The element content is two other HTML elements (<h1> and <p>).


The <h1> element called a heading tag .
It use to write the heading in html
It is the biggest heading tag .ait display most big headings.
It has a start tag <h1>. 
It has a  end tag </h1>.
The <p> element defines a paragraph.
It has a start tag <p> and an end tag </p>.
The element content is: My first paragraph.
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

8:23 AM

HTML Introduction,HTML

HTML Introduction


What is HTML?

  1. HTML is the pleasant/standard markup language for creating web pages.
  2. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  3. Explains the structure of web pages using HTML markup
  4. HTML elements are represented by tags
  5. Browsers obtain not display HTML tags, but use them to adroitness content of the page

What are HTML tags?

  1.  HTML tags are used to mark HTML elements
  2.  HTML tags are surrounded by two letters <and>
  3.  The surrounding special elements are called angle bracket"<,>"
  4.  HTML tags generally come in pairs like <b> and </ b>
  5.  The first tag is the start tag in a pair, the second tag is the end tag
  6.  Text element between start and end tag is content
  7.  HTML tags are not case-sensitive, <b> means the same as <B> not capital or small letter issue


      <title>Page Title</title>

             <h1>my first Heading</h1>
             <p>my first paragraph</p>


Save :-   file name.htm or .html


Thursday, February 8, 2018

7:32 AM

Network Components

Basic computer network components


Network Interface Card - . NIC prepares (draft) and sends. Receives data, data, and controls data flows between computers and networks. On the dispatching side, NIC passes the frame of data on the physical layer, which transmits the data on the physical link. On behalf of the receiver, NIC processes the bits obtained from the physical layer and processes the message based on its content.

Early network interface controllers were usually applied to extended cards that were plugged into a computer bus. Lower cost of Ethernet standard and ubiquity means that most newer computers have a built-in network interface in the motherboard.

Hub -Hub is a type of device that divides the networks. Connect to many computers. This is like a distribution center. When a computer requests information from a network or a specific computer, it sends a request to the hub via cable. The hub will receive the request and will transmit it to the entire network. Every computer in the network should then find out whether the broadcast data is for them or not.

"A network hub is a node that transmits data from every computer or ethernet-based device. A hub switch is less refined, after which different devices can separate data transmission."

Switch - Switch is a type of  telecommunication tool that is grouped as one of the computer network components. The switch is like a hub but is built with advanced features. It uses the physical device address in each incoming message so that it can deliver messages to the right destination or port.

Like a hub, the switch does not broadcast the received message across the network, but before checking for which system or port the message should be sent. In other words, the switch directly connects the source and destination, which increases the speed of the network. Common features in both switches and hubs are: multiple RJ-45 ports, power supply and connection lights.